Time To Go To Market!!!

June 6, 2008

That’s right folks! It’s finally here…FLYoung Studio the Etsy shop! I hope you’ll take a moment to stop by and show my shop some love! All of the Foodie Prints are in stock, ready to order and ship…so spread the word!

Oh and special thanks to Sara, a fellow etsy seller, who discovered my new store, and highlighted it on her blog!

hugs ~


7 Responses to “Time To Go To Market!!!”

  1. smcmartin Says:

    goodluck with your new shop! welcome to Etsy!

  2. rebekahusry Says:

    Love it!

  3. Robin Lynne Says:

    Hi Heather! Welcome to Etsy 🙂 (I have three shops there – yikes!)

    I was looking at SavannahCurrent.com and came across your blog-feed (they’re feeding mine onto the website as well.)

    Anyway, I just thought I’d stop by and snoop around your blog. Your art is deliciously colorful – I love it!

    Good luck with your shop and I’ll probably stop by your blog a few more times 🙂

    Have a great day!

    Robin Lynne

  4. Robin! Thanks for stopping by…I’m not quite sure how the whole SavannahCurrent thing works, but it can’t hurt 🙂

    love your work…especially your photos…i’ve bookmarked your sites on my etsy…anywho…do stop by again, and maybe we’ll meet up at the next market bazaar…

    ps. jeopardy rules!

  5. Hey,

    Savannahcurrent is built on the RSS feeds that Savannah Web sites offer. It looks like it was useful in connecting you two in this case! That is exactly what I’m trying to achieve with the project. 🙂



  6. Thanks so much Michael! It’s amazing this whole blog world…great to connect with other like-minded individuals…especially ones in your own city. Best of luck with SavannahCurrent 🙂

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