Special thanks to Courtney of Style Court for including my work in her picks for the June/July issue of  Lonny Magazine! I’m quite thrilled to have my work featured in such company.

Lonny Magazine Cover June/July 2010

Lonny Magazine Blogger Style June/July 2010

Lonny Magazine The Ink Lab Feature Heather L. Young

(click photos to enlarge or view the magazine in its entirety here)

July 6, 2009

Hope you all had a lovely long weekend.  Nick and I officially started making our house a home, which consumed far more time than we initially thought.  (I think this is usually the case)  We did, however, make time to grill a few burgers  and eat macaroni salad to make it feel a bit more like the Fourth. The progress:  no more  cranberry drapes and the kitchen is now asparagus green.

In other exciting news, Courtney Barnes has given me quite the write-up on her design infused blog, Style Court.  I’m honored to be featured on such a site, and I hope you will  all take a moment to peruse her blog.  It’s saturated with artful goodness, so much so, I think I’ll add her to my blogroll for a daily source of inspiration.

Happy Monday!