Meet the New Boss

September 4, 2013

Elliot James took over FLYoung Studio on August 4th, 2013.  Weighing in at just 7lbs 14 ounces, and “standing” a mere 20.5 inches tall, he has effectively taken charge of day-to-day production.  Things have slowed a bit during this transitional time (on behalf of the new boss-man, we apologize)  Frankly, he makes a habit of  sleeping on the job and taking multiple lunch breaks throughout the day, while making us work the graveyard shift.

The Boss Man

All that aside, we think he’s pretty cute and inspiring, so we’ll let him keep his post for now.  Oh and in case you missed it, he was awake long enough to commission a photo session with Diana Daley.


…in her hair.


I love Gardenias (though I have no interest in pinning one to the side of my head) I enjoy their sweet aroma.  Just after sunset I happened to capture this near perfect bloom in our backyard.  By morning, the heat had zapped it…grateful to have seen it in its moment of glory.

Happy Friday y’all!


vintage glassware

Who wouldn’t want to start their day with these cheery juice glasses?  Would you believe I paid $2 for the entire set?!  Considering my love of both blue & green hues, the vintage Georges Briard glasses were irresistible…and a steal at $3 for a set of 5!  Nothing makes me happier than a lucky thrift store find!

A Year With Thomas Jay

December 1, 2011

One year ago today, we welcomed an emaciated, abused, and timid little Frenchie-Boston mix into our home.  It was an impulse decision, (not unlike Vayda’s adoption), and one of the best we’ve ever made.  It’s been a true pleasure getting to know Tommy and watching him come out of his shell.  The experience of taking in a grown dog varies greatly from raising one from puppy-hood, but in some ways it’s even more rewarding…

One of the first things we discovered about Tommy…he likes to sleep….alot…

He puts a smile on my face nearly everyday with his clever positioning…

While Vayda meets me at the side of my bed every morning, wagging her tail, begging for a treat…Tommy prefers to sleep in…(he isn’t too fond of me snapping pics of him at 7:30am either)

He’s needed some TLC…2 big surgeries and one torn dew claw.  He’s a trooper, this little man!

The best part of it all was that Vayda got a baby brother.  She’s taught him to fetch, protects him when we’re around other dogs, and though we still see some sibling rivalry at times, they are all around best buds.

Happy Birthday my sweet lil man!  We can’t imagine our lives without you!

*P.S. if a puppy / dog is on  your Christmas list this year, I sure hope you’ll consider adoption!  If you have fallen in love with a specific breed, check to see if there is a rescue organization for that specific breed nearby…but know that it’s even more fun to watch a mutt-baby grow!



I’m slowly broadening my Tree Hunt to other areas, with Amelia Island and Charleston at the top of my list.  While visiting family in the Dina last weekend, Dad took me out on the bike to see Kingsley Plantation.

The house sits right on the water and is surrounded by weathered cedars and towering palms.

The tabby slave quarters are still standing and cotton still grows on the property.

…and just off the beaten path…

…a perfectly imperfect Live Oak, complete with sprawling branches draped with Spanish Moss and highlighted with Resurrection Fern.  My photo doesn’t do it fair justice, but I sure hope the drawing will.

Thanks for an awesome adventure Dad!

I’m in the midst of one of those transitional times in life, and when these times come, there is no better way to clear my head than to spend a day out on the boat with Granny.

Sapelo Sound Watercolor Study Plein Air

Sapelo Sound

plein air watercolor study with a pinch of salt water



March 8, 2011

I recently spent some time out at my childhood home.   My great-aunt’s property, it has housed nearly every one of my mother’s siblings at some point or another.   I spent the first 8 years of my life in that house and nearly ever summer there after.

Vintage Live Oak Plantation Wallpaper Mural

Perhaps this wallpaper mural in the foyer (circa 1978) has something to do with my Live Oak fascination?

a detail…

Vintage Live Oak Plantation Wallpaper Mural detail

The camellias in bloom and the morning fog off the Vernon River welcomed me home.

Camellia Blossom

Enchanting, no?




I always get excited to draw an old family home.  This one’s located on Savannah’s East Side.  Mini-prints were made for the entire family and given as little gifts over the holidays.  A nice way to remember your youth, no?

Custom Pen and Ink Drawing of Old Family Home by Heather L. Young of theinklab

Even though we moved a lot during my childhood, I still feel a connection to each of the places we occupied.  Our time there may have been short-lived, but we worked hard to make each house a home.


A few weeks ago, my brother took a trip to Richmond, VA, and snapped this pic of our old place.  Oh the memories it uprooted!  I’ve often pondered sketching all of our old homes (I’ve had several clients do this, and it makes for quite the collection), but finding all those old photos from the pre-digital camera days, would be quite the challenge.


Meet Jane Sloss,  architect and watercolor painter from the great Windy City.  (catching the similarities yet? with exception that I’m  just an architecture enthusiast…)  Jane stumbled upon my work a month or so ago, and was kind enough to show me a little love on her blog, A Good Day’s Work.

North Avenue Beach watercolor by Jane Sloss

I’m so glad she found me, as I can’t stop drooling over her Chicago land and city-scapes.

Belmont Harbor 2 by Jane Sloss

I especially love her muted color palette.  It carries the mood of Chicago, but in a good way.

Chicago Christmas Light Watercolor by Jane Sloss

Jane finds the calm in what is typically a hustle and bustle, fury of activity, and it’s quite refreshing.

To see more of her work, including lovely and  quite affordable wedding invitations, visit her Etsy Shop.

I’ve also added her to my blog roll so you can check in on her work, once in a while….many thanks Jane!

All artwork in this post is ©2010 Jane Sloss.

Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2010

No pumpkin carving contest this year.  Sad.

chicago in october

The trade off:   a fabulous trip to Chicago during the most beautiful time of year, fall.  I have a new species of tree I’ve been hunting, and they grow like mad there.  Any guesses?