Self Portrait #5

May 31, 2010

Thinking of those who have served and their families today.

self portrait no 5 ink and bleach

Ink & Bleach on watercolor paper.

Self Portrait #4

May 30, 2010

Admittedly slack today, but it is a holiday weekend.

self portrait #4 heather l young

Self Portrait #3

May 29, 2010

Time to let my hair down…

Self Portrait Number 3 Heather l Young

10 minute gesture (b/c I’m ready to hit up the pool)  w/a 2H pencil and some fun with watercolor pencils.  Fancy red mirror, which was questionably hung on the wall next to my drafting table, has officially served it’s purpose.

Self Portrait #2

May 28, 2010

It’s pretty common for me to sketch my left hand (usually out of boredom), but impossible for me to sketch my right unless I photograph it, which would just suck the fun right out of sketching it…I mean most artists would prefer to draw from life right?  Anyhoo…here they are.  Far from glamorous, bug bites on my wrists, lack of nails (a direct indication that I’ve been painting..a lot), and I’m entirely convinced that the curvature of my right pinky comes from so many years of tedious inks.

I’ll leave the rest to you palm readers out there…

Britt’s got me inspired…8 self-portraits in 8 days.  A tall order for someone who’s been pretty neglectful to the blog world lately, but a good excuse to find myself underneath the heap of work and daily stressers that have consumed me as of late….There’s no rules and regulations, any medium you wanna use, and if you wish to  jump on board and participate just leave a comment on Britt’s post, so we can all keep up with each other.

warm up exercise – blind contour

blind contour self portrait

next the gesture drawing

self portrait gesture drawing

a quick study straight outta bed this morning…slept with my lil yellow rose earrings all night.

Maddie was still in the womb when the initial paint job was done.  Now, at the age of four, she has become my youngest client to date.

She needed a little more sparkle…

Rhinestone and glitter butterfly mural

A little more pink…

And just why is there a giraffe in a garden?

ABC giraffe painted by Heather L Young

Thankfully, for now, the giraffe stays.

It was such a pleasure to see how much she’d grown and to see how much she enjoyed her room.  I have a feeling I’ll be back in a few years…


May 23, 2010

I’m attending the last Young’s walk today.  (So proud of you Ryan!)

Brings back some fun memories…

Leslie and Heather High School Graduation

Yep!  That’s me on the left, and Les on the right.  Our hair matched our dresses, though it was quite unintentional.

Sometimes a personal connection with a subject makes it incredibly hard to capture in a truly representational form.  My brain tells me “I know what that cat looks like”…my brush listens to my brain instead of trusting my eyes, and the next thing you know,  you don’t even recognize the work in front of you. Thankfully, I took this one slow…adding a wash here, a wash there…I knew at some point it would speak to me, and it did.

Piccolo Custom Cat Portrait by Heather L. Young

Piccolo on Jones Street

11″x14″ Acrylic & Oil Wash on Illustration board

©2010 Heather L. Young

P.S. There’s still time to get a portrait of Man’s Best Friend for Father’s Day…book quick!

Really pleased with the way these turned out.  Tea length, with inner and outer envelopes in ecru.  Opted for  script vs. print. (to which I was thrilled)   Printed with archival inks onto fine art paper, and then delicately cut down with sharp x-acto.  All the best to the lucky couple and (if you’re reading this) many thanks for a fabulous project!

Lafayette Square Savannah Wedding Invitations custom

©2010 Heather L. Young

The first fruit of our Nick’s labor.  Baby Cherry Tomatoes.

Baby Cherry Green Tomato